Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What have I gotten myself into?....LOL

I just looked at my calendar and noticed several highlighted dates...very close together between now and the end of the year...and highlighted dates means only one thing marathons...or longer!  So I thought I would type a short blog post to release a little anxiety about the the next 75 days or so...

First up....September 29 AND 30th - Hinson Lake 24 Hour Ultra.

24 hours to go as far as you want/can...1.53 mile loop around a beautiful lake...tons of food and nice folks...this is the race where I first used the phrace, "Island of Misfit Toys" to describe Ultra Marathon runners...and it has held true for other gatherings of Trailer Runners and Ultra Runners alike (Umstead, Boogie, Hinson Lake, Medoc...etc)....all exemplify the family of damaged people that aspire to RIDICULOUS distances.  I am shooting for 50 miles!

NEXT UP...October 13...Medoc Marathon

Music...Food...and MEDOC!  Trail races are great events...but the location...the trails...the 4 race directors make this one to remember.  This is the race that make us all question "why do I do this running thing?"...LOL.  Michael, Frank, Scott, and Ron put on a great race...and it is an "EVENT"...I look forward to the abuse it will afford my frame!


This is my first Richmond the town...seemed hilly to me when we visited this past summer...WHAT?  But there is a LARGE Rocky Mount contingent going...and I know we will have a blast.

FINALLY...for 2012...LAS VEGAS MARATHON - December 2

WHAT?...YUP!...THAT JUST HAPPENED!  A week in Sin City...Hey, I need a few days to recover from my marathon...and I bet I can find a few things to keep me busy in Vegas, baby!...It ends AT NIGHT...ON THE STRIP!  I am kinda excited about this one...Jon and Amber Shingleton are Vegas Experts and are sure to make this a memorable trip....BOO YAH!

So...I think I over-registered...OOPS!...See ya'll in a few weeks with my Hinson Lake wrap-up!

Peace...Go tell someone how much you appreciate them today...then go for a run!